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- DiSC analyysit ja SHL kykytestit
0400 721717 / Jouko Karjalainen,
Vaski Group Oy is a fast-growing company that recently acquired Pivatic and Ursviken. The combined business are world leaders in machinery for flat bar processing, blanking, slitting, press brakes,custom machines and high performance coil fed puch-bend lines. We have three sites, the one located in Seinäjoki focused on flat bar processing, blanking, slitting and custom machines, the one in Hyvinkää is focused on the production of coil fed punching and bending machines and the third site, located in Skellefteå is focused on the production of press brakes.
Kojoka Recruitment is seeking for Vaski Group an experienced and innovative MARKETING MANAGER to who has strong leadership skills and the ability to approach business with a creative point of view. This role requires a strategic point of view to grow our brand presence in the world market. The ideal candidate should be a proactive individual with a passion for marketing management and a desire to make a significant impact on a growing company.
The Marketing Manager will lead and manage marketing initiatives for our group of companies specialized in the sheet metal machines business. This role involves developing effective marketing strategies, overseeing marketing campaigns, and ensuring consistent brand messaging across multiple channels to drive business growth and enhance market presence.
Key Responsibilities:
Strategy Development:
- Create and implement comprehensive marketing strategies aligned with company goals.
- Conduct market research to identify opportunities, trends, and competitive positioning.
Campaign Management:
- Plan, execute, and monitor marketing campaigns across various platforms (digital, print, etc.).
- Collaborate with creative teams to produce compelling marketing materials and content.
Brand Management:
- Ensure brand consistency and integrity across all marketing efforts.
- Develop brand positioning strategies tailored to different market segments.
Digital Marketing:
- Oversee the company’s online presence, including website, social media, and digital advertising.
- Utilize SEO, SEM, and analytics tools to optimize performance and increase ROI.
Budget Management:
- Prepare and manage the marketing budget, ensuring profitability and effective resource allocation.
- Analyze campaign performance and make data-driven adjustments.
Collaboration and Leadership:
- Work closely with sales, production, and product development teams to align marketing initiatives with business objectives.
- Mentor and manage the marketing team, fostering a culture of creativity and accountability.
Stakeholder Engagement:
Build and maintain relationships with clients, suppliers, and industry partners.
Represent the company at trade shows, industry events, and networking gatherings.
- Bachelor’s degree in Marketing, Business Administration, or related field.
- 5+ years of experience in marketing, preferably in the sheet metal machine business or related industry.
- Strong understanding of digital marketing, content creation, and brand management.
- Excellent communication, interpersonal, and leadership skills.
- Fluency in English. Finnish is a plus.
- Proficient in marketing software (e.g., CRM, analytics tools) and Microsoft Office Suite.
- Analytical thinking and problem-solving abilities.
- Creative mindset with a focus on innovation in marketing strategies.
- Strong project management skills with attention to detail.
- Ability to work under pressure and meet deadlines.
Working Conditions:
Role located in Seinäjoki. Availability to travel is required.
For more information in Finnish, contact headhunter Jouko Karjalainen at 0400 721717 (Monday to Friday 07.00-17.00).
For more information in English, contact (also whatsApp call) Sales Director Fabio Farina +39 348 799 3838.
Application Process:
Interested candidates should submit their resume and a cover letter in english outlining their relevant experience and qualifications to as soon as possible. The application process will end once a suitable candidate has been found.
#brandmanagement #digitalmarketing #marketingstrategy #marketingmanager #seinäjoki
Vaski Group Oy is a rapidly growing industrial company that designs, manufactures, and installs specialized machinery for the metal industry globally. Vaski Group's companies will expect approximately €50m turnover in 2025, and there are currently around 120 employees in Finland and 80 abroad.
Kojoka Recruitment is seeking HR SPECIALIST in Seinäjoki for Vaski Group to support the company’s growth and assist the HR Director.
This is a new role in the company, and your key responsibilities include:
Labor Law Advisory (*)
- Support and advise the HR Director on Finnish labor laws and TES agreements.
- Handle immigration and work permit processes for foreign employees.
- Ensure that all personnel actions comply with Finnish laws.
Occupational Health and Safety (*)
- Support on occupational health and safety practices.
- Develop employee well-being matters.
Payroll and Personnel Administration (*)
- Support payroll matters and ensure its accuracy in collaboration with the Finance Manager.
HR Reporting and Analytics
- Prepare regular HR reports and analytics to support strategic decision-making.
- Monitor and analyze HR metrics to identify trends and areas for improvement
Employee Development and Training
- Develop and coordinate employee training programs with supervisors.
- Plan and implement development plans for employees.
Employee Recruitment and Employment Contracts
- Support managers in the employee recruitment process.
- Coordinate onboarding and offboarding.
Preventing Discrimination
- Ensure equality in the workplace and prevent any form of discrimination.
Data Protection
- Ensure that employee personal data is handled according to the law and that data protection requirements are met.
We expect:
- Practical experience in the HR areas mentioded before, especially (*) -marked.
- Understanding of the personnel service function and HR processes in business operations.
- Native Finnish and fluent English.
- Good Office skills, O365 (especially Excel).
- Relevant education, e.g., Bachelor of Business Administration (HR), Master of Economics (Business law)
You will also support the entire Finnish personnel and assist managers if needed. The job offers flexible working hours and hybrid work opportunities, but you have to live near the Seinäjoki office.
For more information in Finnish, contact headhunter Jouko Karjalainen at 0400 721717 (Monday to Friday 07.00-17.00). Send only your CV that includes the job description under the title in english to as soon as possible. The application process will end once a suitable candidate has been found.
#labourlaws #TES #ekonomi #tradenomi #työterveys #hrasiantuntija #seinäjoki
Vaski Group Oy is a world leader in designing, manufacturing, and supporting machines for flat bar processing, blanking, slitting, coil fed punching, folding, high tonnage press brakes and presses. Vaski has grown turnover at an exceptional rate and profitably from €450k in 2019 to €3.8m in 2023 to close to €50m expected in 2025. With this comes a constant challenge to ensure financial controls keep up with the size of the business, while maintaining profitability. Furthermore the core team in the business have built the business by being exceptionally entrepreneurial culture of getting the things done to keep moving forwards at pace, while being very aligned with the overall strategy for the business and keeping a close eye on cost has been the secret to success. This is a culture which must be propagated by the entire leadership team across the group to make sure all group companies achieve technology led profitable growth.
Kojoka Recruitment is seeking an experienced and strategic GROUP FINANCE DIRECTOR (FD) in Seinäjoki to join Vaski Group's leadership team and drive financial excellence across our growing international group. The FD will be a key partner to the MD and the leadership team, responsible for overseeing financial strategy, planning, and operations for a multi-site industrial manufacturing group. Our group includes three factories (two in Finland, one in Sweden) and four subsidiaries in the USA, Germany, and Italy. It is important that the FD has an innovative mindset who has an understanding on how to ensure sufficient financial control and risk management in the business without adding unneccessary cost and restraining growth. This is a unique opportunity to contribute to the growth and success of an ambitious and innovative organisation in a global environment.
Key Responsibilities
- Develop and execute financial strategies to support business growth and profitability.
- Oversee financial operations across multiple locations, ensuring alignment with business goals.
- Own the monthly bookkeeping and reporting process, ensuring figures are circulated promptly and accurately across the Group
- Own the consolidation process of the figures and preparation of consolidated accounts
- Lead financial planning, budgeting, forecasting, and risk management.
- Manage cash flow, working capital, and financing strategies.
- Lead the relationship with the group banking and insurance partners
- Ensure compliance with international financial regulations, tax laws, and reporting requirements in all operating countries.
- Optimise internal financial processes and reporting structures.
- Lead M&A financial integration strategies.
- Provide strategic guidance to the MD and leadership team.
- Lead, develop and mould the 7 persons in the finance team across different locations and time zones.
Qualifications & Experience
- Proven experience as a FD or senior financial executive in an international manufacturing or industrial company.
- Strong financial leadership experience in multi-site and multinational operations.
- Deep knowledge of financial planning, accounting, and risk management.
- Experience in managing cross-border financial operations, including taxation and compliance.
- Strategic mindset with strong analytical and problem-solving skills.
- Experience with ERP systems and digital finance transformation is a plus.
- Fluency in English (both written and spoken) is mandatory.
- Additional language skills (Finnish and/or Swedish) are a plus.
- Willingness to travel.
- Willingness to get into the details and ensure everything gets done to keep moving the business forwards while also understanding what is really neccessary
What We Offer
- A leadership role in a growing and innovative industrial group.
- The opportunity to shape and drive financial strategy in an international business.
- A collaborative and dynamic work environment.
If you are a results-driven financial leader with a passion for growth and operational excellence, we invite you to apply for this exciting opportunity.
For more information in Finnish (if needed), contact headhunter Jouko Karjalainen at 0400 721717 (Monday to Friday 07.00-16.00, Saturday to Sunday 10.00-14.00).
For more information in English (if needed), contact HR Director Ana Granvik 040 558 6444 (Tuesday and Thursday 08.00-16.00).
How to Apply:
Send your short application and longer CV that includes the job description under the title in english to Jouko Karjalainen, as soon as possible. The application process will end once a suitable candidate has been found.
#financedirector #global #managementteam #seinäjoki
JPT-Industria Oy on perustettu vuonna 2007 ja se suunnittelee, valmistaa ja asentaa laitoksia rehuteollisuuteen, elintarviketeollisuuteen, sähkö- ja lämpövoimaloihin sekä lannoiteteollisuuteen. JPT-Instria on suomessa toimiva yhtiö, jonka liikevaihto on n. 10 MEUR ja Henkilöstöä on 28. Yritys on osa Tornum Groupia, jonka liikevaihto on 80 MEUR sekä omistajana on Volati AB, jonka LV 650 MEUR ja noteerattu Tukholman pörssissä.
Kojoka rekrytointi hakee JPT-Industrialle Ilmajoelle kokenutta KONE- JA LAITESUUNNITTELIJAA teollisuuslaitosprojekteihin monipuolisiin suunnittelutehtäviin.
Toimit tehtävässä laajasti yhteistyössä koko organisaation kanssa. Osallistut mm. myynnin kanssa tekniseen määrittelyyn ja projektipäällikön kanssa mm. teknisten materiaalihankintojen valintoihin. Haluamme, että olet myös omaa JPT:n laitetuotantoa lähellä käytännön läheisiä tarkennuksia antamassa. Lisäksi toimit yhteistyössä suunnittelijakollegoiden ja alihankintakumppaneiden suunnittelijoiden kanssa (esim. lujuuslaskenta).
- CAD laite-/konesuunnittelun kokemusta väh. 3 vuotta
- teknisen dokumentointityön kokemusta
- koneturvallisuusstandardien perustuntemusta
- teknisten kokonaisuuksien hyvää hahmotuskykyä ja ymmärrystä
- suomen kielitaidon lisäksi, englannin kielitaitoa
- hyvää Office365 hallintaa, erityisesti Excelin
- soveltuvaa koulutusta
- PDM käyttökokemus
- kokemus prosessi- ja elintarviketeollisuuden laitteista
- laitosten layoutsuunnittelukokemus
- luova ajattelutapa, ”Pelle Peloton” -asenne
Toimisto- ja tuotantotilat ovat Ilmajoella, mutta tehtävässä on hybridityömalli töiden niin salliessa. Yksi tiimin suunnittelijoista on aina paikalla tuotannon mahdollisia kysymyksiä varten. Palkkataso neuvotellaan kokemuksen mukaan.
Luottamukselliset lisätiedustelut: 0400 721717 / Jouko Karjalainen (ma–to klo 7–17, pe–su klo 10–14). Helppo haku! Hakemuksena pelkkä ansioluettelo, jossa on kuvattuna työn sisältö, osoitteeseen
Ensimmäisen kierroksen haastatteluja tehdään potentiaalisten hakijoiden kanssa etäpalaverina jo hakuaikana. Hakemuskäsittelyt ovat ehdottoman luottamuksellisia.
#CAD #PDM #konesuunnittelu #prosessitekniikka #elintarviketeknologia #ilmajoki
Confirma Software on pohjoismainen konserni, joka tarjoaa ohjelmistoratkaisuja pk-yrityksille sekä julkisen puolen toimijoille. Konsernissa työskentelee yli 530 ammattilaista Suomessa, Ruotsissa, Norjassa ja Tanskassa. Suomessa konserni työllistää 280 henkilöä. Confirman konsernin liikevaihto on noin 87 milj. € sekä yritys tekee positiivista tulosta.
Kojoka rekrytointi etsii Confirmalle SOVELLUSASIANTUNTIJAA konsernin uuden liikuntatoimialan ohjelmistotuotteen käyttöönottoprojekteihin.
Tulet tehtävässä huolehtimaan asiantuntijana asiakkaiden käyttöönottoprojektien monipuolisista tehtävistä tiimin kanssa, jossa kollegoihisi kuuluu mm. kouluttajia, asentajia ja projektipäälliköitä. Työssäsi olet mukana projektien asiakaspalavereissa jo suunnitteluvaiheessa ohjelmistotoimintojen määrittelyssä sekä hoidat erilaisia back-office tehtäviä projekteihin liittyen, kuten tiedonsiirtomateriaalin valmistelu- ja konversiotyötä, laitteiden ohjelmistoasennustehtäviä sekä teet erilaisia selvityksiä projektiin liittyen. Osaamisen ja kehittymisen puitteissa saat halutessasi isompaa vastuuta projektien hallinnasta. Asiakkuudet ovat erikokoisia, yksittäistoimijoista aina valtakunnan tason ketjuasiakkuuksiin.
- kokemusta ohjelmistoprojekteihin osallistumisesta, esim. pääkäyttäjänä, käyttötapausmäärittelyihin osallistujana tai ERP sovelluksen aktiivisena käyttäjänä.
- taloushallinnon prosessien yleistä ymmärrystä.
- hyvää excel hallintaa, perus SQL lausekkeiden osaamista.
- dokumentointihalua ja -taitoa.
- halua toimistolla työskentelyyn (hybridityömalli) ja matkavalmiutta Suomessa.
- sujuvaa suomen ja kohtuullista englannin kielitaitoa.
- ajokorttia (yrityksellä autoja käytössä työmatkoihin).
- soveltuvaa koulutusta esim. tradenomi, merkonomi, datanomi.
- ohjelmistotoimialan kokemus.
- kaikki BtoB -asiakasrajapintakokemus.
- verkkokauppakokemus.
- kiinnostus ja tuntemus liikunta-alasta.
Tehtävä on uusi ja avattu toiminnan kasvun myötä. Oma työhuoneesi sijainti on ensisijaisesti Vaasan Suvilahdessa, mutta myös Helsingin Pasila ja Turun Aurajoen varrella olevat -toimipisteet ovat mahdollisia. Tehtävään kuuluu asiakkailla käyntejä Suomessa, lähinnä projektien aloitusvaiheessa.
Lähde mukaan menestyvän konsernin asiantuntijajoukkoon!
Lisätiedustelut gsm 0400721717 / rekrytointikonsultti Jouko Karjalainen (ma-to klo 7-18, pe-su 10-14). Helppo haku! Lähetä hakemuksena pelkkä ansioluettelo, jossa titteleiden alla kuvattuna lyhyesti työnkuvausta osoitteeseen
Etähaastatteluja tehdään nopealla aikataululla, jonka jälkeen mahdollinen työnantajatapaaminen. Haku loppuu, kun sopiva henkilö on löytynyt.
#sovellusasiantuntija #ohjelmistoasiantuntija #vaasa #turku #pasila
Tulossa ... (tai menee hiljaisena hakuna)
- Talousjohtaja (kevään aikana)
- Toimitusjohtaja (kevään aikana)
- Kirjanpitäjä (kevään aikana)
- IT systems admin (kevään aikana)
Lähetä halutessasi avoimena hakemuksena pelkkä CV osoitteeseen
#Pohjanmaa #EteläPohjanmaa #KeskiPohjanmaa #Pirkanmaa #KeskiSuomi #VarsinaisSuomi #Pääkaupunkiseutu #PohjoisSavo #Suomi #Kojoka
#rekrytointi #headhunter #rekrymarkkinointi #DiSC #SHL #valmennukset #työpaikat #HR #google #linkedin #facebook #kojoka #joukokarjalainen #0400721717
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